Jain Terapanth News

खामेमि सव्व जीवे, सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे मित्ती मे सव्व-भूएसु, वेरं मज्झ न केणइ।।


Dear All 

Sadar Jai Jinendra
As you know, TPF National Conference this year is going to held on 16th and 17th August 2013 at Ladnun in pious presence of H.H.Acharyashri Mahashramanji.
We expect a good representation from all over  India on this occasion.
As the air fare has come down in last 2-3 days,  One can book ticket early , depending upon sector fair may varied from Rs 5200/- to Rs 8600/- for return air fair ie booked on 15th August (being Holiday) and return on 18th August (being Sunday) .

We will have two full days to attend the conference as well as two half days for Seva etc.
Please forward this mail to all TPF  Members for their information and those willing may either book directly or contact Zonal or branch President.
Cancellation charges are as per prevailing normal practice.
Early planning will save cost and enable us group enjoyment.

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आचार्य श्री महाश्रमण के आगामी कार्यक्रम :

2014 - मर्यादा महोत्सव - गंगाशहर; चातुर्मास - दिल्ली।
2015 - मर्यादा महोत्सव - कानपुर; चातुर्मास - बिराटनगर (नेपाल)।
2016 - चातुर्मास - गुवाहाटी।
2017 - चातुर्मास - कोलकाता।

Future Plan of ACHARYA SHRI's

2014 Chaturmas declared for New Delhi, india
2015 Chaturmas declared for BIRATNAGAR Nepal .
2016 Chaturmas declared for Guwahati Assam, India.
2017 Chaturmas declared for Kolkata India.
Maryada Mahotsava for the year 2012 is declared for Amet, Rajasthan, India.